Saturday, April 27, 2013

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Please view the document i uploaded for you using Google docs.

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Book Review of Seeds of Turmoil

So in my normal choosing of books this would have ranked last. I happen to appreciate a "feel good" novel 99.9% of the time.
However, because of the state of our world I decided to step out of the norm and read this book.

I'm so glad I did. Seeds of Turmoil has exactly the right amount of information for someone who is on the starting line of learning how this whole middle east struggle got started.

The biblical background information is crucial and sheds new light to the conflicts. As someone who has heard the story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar all her life, it was wonderful to see it in a new way.
Half way through there is a sentence that sums up the facts so perfectly. "And it all started with a sibling rivalry many years ago that originated with their father's sin, a sobering reminder of the long-term consequences of one man's sin."
 This book is fantastically written. It states the facts in a simple, easy to read and understand kind of way. I'd suggest it to every Christian who wants to understand this Middle East crisis more thoroughly.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Finding Rest in His Plan

I have a 45 minute commute to work. I'm only there three days a week so it's not daunting. However, I always feel like I'm running behind because before I head to work I drop 3 kids at school and one child to grandma. If anyone runs the least bit behind, then I'm behind. The only way to make up that time, in my mind, is to exceed the speed limit ever so slightly. *wink*wink.

Today was no exception. Driving down the freeway I saw the familiar shape of a law enforcement vehicle. I was going 67 mph in a 65 zone, so I was comfortable to pass him as he was caught behind a semi truck and going below the speed limit. As I passed him I noticed two things; first, he was off duty and second he was from a town 20 miles south of where I was.

"Great," I thought, "I'm going to be stuck going the speed limit for the next 20 miles."

I considered hiding between semi-trucks until I could get far enough away that I could make up some time and get to work. Then a question hit often do we, as Christians do the same thing? We drive 80 mph until we see a police car then we slow down. Are we waiting for God to put up an "out of service" sign so we can get passed him and continue on our same path. 

Instead of speeding toward something that may or may not be part of his plan for your life, why not rest in His shadow. He will empower everything we do if we let Him.

Let's imagine we have done that. We have rested in His shadow and allowed his plan to be unveiled slowly. Can you imagine how much more energy we'll have to do His work? 

Rest in Him 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Daddy to the Rescue

I caught a glimpse of God through my husband today. It's a beautiful thing when moments like this one occur.
The neighborhood kids were outside as usual, tossing the ball around. My kids quickly got their football and joined in on the fun.  My oldest (and quietest) son, Isaac, went across the street where the lawn spans three homes without a break.  A couple of older and bigger kids came to play too. The game quickly turned from a friendly game of catch to a competitive game of tackle. Rather than come crying or tattling to me or demanding he get his ball back, he came home to play.

When I asked him what happened (even though I saw the whole thing unfold) he simply said, "I didn't want to play anymore." I asked him why, to which he simply responded, "tackle."
The mother bear in me wanted to go demanding the ball back or tell them to go back to the game of catch. But I know my son. He would have hated me doing that!

He started  a new game with the smaller of the boys. They didn't want to participate in the tackle game either so they came to our yard with Isaac.  But, as I've been told by more than one (non-related) adult lately...people follow Isaac. There's something about him to which other kids gravitate. So of course the other boys came over, along with a girl who was smaller, but her mouth was just as big.

I texted my husband who was next door at the church. Three simple sentences, "Come out. Big and big mouthed boys. Your son's intimidated."

Sure enough the steel doors of the church opened and I thought, " you're gonna get it, boys...."
I should have known better. My husband in his own quiet way, joined in the game.  Without anyone (but me) noticing- the simple game of catch Isaac was hoping for gradually made it's way to a different part of the yard. 

Isn't that how God moves sometimes? He doesn't completely change our circumstance or take that difficult situation away the way we hope He does. He just, every so quietly, puts himself between us our situation. He takes the brunt of whatever force comes at us. What a comfort that gives me.

I am so grateful. So blessed. So beyond amazed that I was chosen to be His!